hi this is Alan with interview successformula so what does an interviewer expect you tostay in response to the question what's your biggest weakness will a clever answer do the job or get you into trouble well there are coupleof kinds of clever answers you could try right one could be the i'm too perfect or there's nothing wrong with me i amfantastic things that basically sound ridiculous on their face and those kinds of clever answers are nevergoing to work in a job interview you might be able to get a smile from afew job interviewers with an answer like my biggest weaknessis chocolate I always need to have chocolate my drawer inbecause they get fixes from it all the time and maybe that would work but they may still ask for seriousanswer after that kind of clever response so you may also want to have in your backpocket another answer that truly recognizessomething that's a limitation of yours just make surethat limitation is't something that would make it difficult for you to do your job and also explain how you have overcome thislimitation to perform better ultimately interviewers really want tomake sure that first you are a real person who understands yourself andsecond that you don't have some fatal flaw that will cause you to fail on the job shortlyafter starting work to get more great tips and advice checkout our web site interview success formula dot-com orsimply click the link below.
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